“Intersex People Be Clapping Cheeks Too”—Black People Tell Black History on the Hoodrat to Headwrap Podcast

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Show notes:

Day 2: Black People Tell Black History featuring the number one cheek-clapper-in-residence---activist, researcher and scholar Saifa Wall (@saifaemerges on IG) who is making Black history by highlighting the contributions, age old existence and movement building of Black intersex folks across the globe.

Sean Saifa Wall (he/him/his) is a Black queer intersex activist and rising scholar. He is a Marie Skłowdoska-Curie fellow at the University of Huddersfield in England examining the erasure of intersex people from social policy in Ireland and England. Saifa is also committed to racial equity and a radical vision of bodily autonomy for intersex folks. As co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project, a grassroots initiative by intersex people of color, he is determined to end harmful and invasive genital surgery on intersex children and advocate for affirming healthcare for all people with intersex variations.

In addition to his activism, he is a trained somatic awareness practitioner and loving dad to his dog, Justice.

Paypal: @seansaifa
Venmo: @seansaifa-wall
Cashapp: $saifaemerges



https://twitter.com/SeanSaifaWall/status/1564294344772919302?s=20&t=VjIpM9E5aXjkaIEMSU3nwg (Here is the article that accompanies this tweet: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-medicines-fixation-on-the-sex-binary-harms-intersex-people1/)



Intro Music: "Black People Tell Black History" by Patience Sings

Outro Music: "Apathy Happy" by Benjamin Earl Turner


Black Intersex History: Jazz Musician Little Jimmy Scott


Scientific American: “Medicine’s Fixation on the Sex Binary Harms Intersex People”