Intersex Activism

Sean Saifa Wall’s Media Appearances


EVERY BODY, the Documentary from Focus Features and Julie Cohen

Scientific American: Medicine’s Fixation on the Sex Binary Harms Intersex People

Stonewall Forever Documentary

The Google/Stink Films documentary Stonewall Forever documents Intersex Justice Project’s #EndIntersexSurgery campaign. Sean Saifa Wall and Pidgeon Pagonis speak as co-founders.


Sean Saifa Wall Confronts Dr. Terry Hensle on ABC News Nightline

In this segment, Saifa confronts Dr. Terry Hensle, who castrated him at the age of 13.


TEDx Talk: 36 Revolutions of Change

In 2015 Saifa took the stage in Grand Rapids, Michigan to talk about intersex issues, blackness and his mother's love, all under the umbrella of body autonomy.

TicToc: Meet the Intersex Activists of New York City

Filmed at TicToc Media in New York City, three activists, including Saifa, share their perspectives about intersex identity.

Buzzfeed: What It’s Like to Be Intersex

Saifa appears alongside his intersex comrades Emily, Pidgeon, and Alice to share their truths about being intersex.